5 Standout Video Emails
Get Inspired:
Out of over 50 video emails, I choose these five as they have a clear call to action. Make your creative a graphic of a video player, add in a frame of video with a play icon. Link to a landing page online.
{View full-sized Barneys HTML video email}
Barneys Landing Page »{View full-sized Shopbop HTML video email}
Shopbop Landing Page »{View full-sized Dillards HTML video email}
Dillards Landing Page »{View full-sized PiperLime HTML video email}
Piperlime Landing Page (no longer available) »
{View full-sized Express HTML video email}
Express Landing Page »2 quick thoughts:
Add a pre-header link in your email to your landing page, "Watch fashion trend video".
Make as much of your supporting copy HTML text as possible. The examples above all use images, when they could have used HTML.