As 2006 speeds to a close, a big THANK YOU to all our clients, partners and everyone else weve had the pleasure of working with - for making 2006 such an enjoyable year.

Weve completed many exciting projects this year. Here are a few that have
just launched, and others that will be up before Christmas:
A modern
Flash site for the Carl Smyth Collection - http://glasshousemultimedia.cmail1.com/.aspx/l/125135/0/www.thecarlsmythcollection.com
A Front-end design for the USCommunity Education site Edu 2.0 - http://glasshousemultimedia.cmail1.com/.aspx/l/125135/0/www.edu20.org
A brand new Intranet for St Elmo's restaurant franchise
e-commerce and blog site for BikeMaxPower - http://glasshousemultimedia.cmail1.com/.aspx/l/125135/0/www.bikemaxpower.com

Wishing you all an awesome festive season and a spectacular 2007!
Warm regards,
The Glasshouse Multimedia Team.

With Christmas fast approaching we thought we'd suggest some usefulwebsites
for online shopping. This is a whole lot more fun and less hassle than wrestling
through overcrowded shopping centres! Here are a few we like: