Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 2:02 PM
Subject: 25 Feel Good faves for under $60 + get up to 75% off

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reach for the stars $30

More Paula Abdul jewelry »

underwired $30
(58% off)

One piece swimsuits
up to 87% off »


See more hanging baskets »

plus top $19.19
(45% off)

Plus size tops
under $30 »

beachy chic
$40 (55% off)

under $35 »

cotton knit
$9.00 (pkg. of 2)

Men's ribbed
tank shirts »

silvery bangles $7.99 (75% off)

Bangles galore
under $20 »

cardigan set $19 (50% off)

Cardigans and
cardigan sets »

funnel cake set
$20 (yum)

Cake kits and
mixes »

10 designs $45
(10% off)

Converse shoes
on sale »

super comfy

Lounge pants
under $20 »


Lots more
board games  »

big kids crocs
$25 (28% off)

100s more Crocs
on sale »

pretty in 40 sizes
$41 (20% off)

Lace underwire
bras under $25 »

exquisite design
$40 (30% off)

More wide band
sterling bands »

grow fresh herbs

See more indoor
garden kits »

sexy plus $27
(40% off)

More plus size
cocktail dresses »

$20 (50% off)

Cocktail rings
under $40  »

28w-48W $15
(23% off)

Men's cargo shorts
starting at $15.00 »

sooo pretty $23
(50% off)

More girls
floral dresses »

high-rise mini
$15 (39% off)

Mini denim skirts
starting at $14.99 »

canvas tote $20.00
(50% off)

Colorful totes and
beach bags on sale »

shapes & flatters

See more
support camis »

great read $14.99 (25% off)

Nonfiction books
on dogs »

nylon wind shirt

Men's windshirts
and jackets »

See more spring trends at great savings on our Spring Sale page.

*All promotions are based on merchant discretion and availability. Please visit merchant site for details.

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