The Panic News

April 27, 2010

Transmit 4 is out! Mac OS X file transfer just got really great. Read on.
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Transmit 4 is here!

Dear Panic Fan,

Transmit. You know it, and hopefully you love it. It uploads your files to FTP / SFTP / Amazon S3, it synchronizes your sites, it takes a boring everyday task and makes it kind of almost fun.

But how do you make Transmit better?

We've worked very hard to find out. And now, with a near-total rewrite, one brand new interface, over 45 new features, up to 25 times the speed, and one very cool surprise, you can find out too.

Click Here to Download or Learn About Transmit 4!

What's new in Transmit 4?

As mentioned, we've completely redesigned the interface from scratch, making Transmit sleeker and, we think, easier to use. To aid browsing, we added a new path bar, labels, Cover Flow, Quick Look, image thumbnail view, disclosable folders, tear-off tabs, better linked navigation, and more. There's also brand new Places pop-up for jumping to your favorite folders. You can even switch between local and remote views at any time, enabling local-local or remote-remote workflows.

What about performance? Well, transfers can now use multiple connections, and you can now throttle your connection speed. There's a new integrated Transfers view to manage what's happening. And the brand-new Transmit Twin-Turbo Engine makes everything scream, particularly when working with a large number of items.

But that's just the beginning, and you probably have other e-mails to read. Hit our website for the full list!

Oh, but what about the cool new surprise?

Transmit Disk. This brand new feature lets you mount any of your favorites right in the Finder. These are live, real system volumes powered by the Transmit Twin-Turbo Engine. Save straight to your web server from Photoshop. Roll your own iDisk-like service. The possibilities are limitless, and it's all built into Transmit — no extra purchase necessary.

The Transmit 4 download is a free, 7-real-day demo. (After that, your sessions are limited to 7 minutes.)

Finally, Transmit 4 requires Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard or higher.

How much does it cost?

Transmit 4 is only $34 for new customers. If you're a Transmit 3 owner, it's only $19 — 45% off.

You can click here to buy right now. It's fast, secure, and easy.

(Also: if you bought Transmit 3 after March 1st, you qualify for a free upgrade.)


Can you believe it's been five years since the last major Transmit update? We couldn't either, but we really mean it when we say Transmit 4 is worth the wait.

Thanks so much for reading. We wouldn't be here without you!



PS: We plan to post some Transmit Tips soon on the Panic Blog!
PPS: Many thanks to the Transmit beta team, who helped make Transmit 4 rock solid.

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