
This month's guest designer: Tim Boelaars
New uniforms designed by fellow pixelworker Tim Boelaars are ready for you to purchase. Separate designs in black and white featuring the tools of our trade in his signature style. Grab both and get 10% off.

Tim Boelaars BlackTim Boelaars White

Tees from our friends: The Manual and Virb
This month also features stunning partner tees for The Manual and Virb. Check out the detail view on the site because Dan Cassaro and Ryan Clark absolutely killed 'em.

The ManualVirb

Canada. All of it. Well, almost.
Look, we know some of you live in Canada. We also know some of you have yet to pick up the Canada 2.0 shirt and the appropriate local shirt. What we can't quite understand is why not. If you're a Canadian or an expatriate or someone secretly harboring Canadian sympathies or really just someone who likes the look of fine pixelated apparel, don't miss out. We only do this once a year.


Represent Canada as a whole or one of the following great locales:

Standard Issue Gear
Standard Issue 3.0 in black and white on Tri-Coffee
. It's super soft and comfortable and a little more subdued in contrast to last month's electric neon blue. It's also your last chance to grab the
new Standard Issue hoodie before it hibernates for the summer.

Standard Tr-CoffeeStandard Black Hoodie

Hey, that's all the shirts for this month (or is it?). We're working hard to make older shirts available for purchase, so be sure to check what we have on the shelf. We've got at least a few of almost everything released so far this year. If the one you're looking for isn't available, let us know with the handy new back-in-stock notification box.

As always, follow us on Twitter to find out what's happening, check out the blog for essays on product development and news from the front, and subscribe to the product RSS feed to get new shirts delivered to your favorite feedreader on day zero.

Thanks for supporting United Pixelworkers!

— — — — — —
Jay, Nate, and Matt
United Pixelworkers Union Bosses

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