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A Measles Outbreak at Disneyland Is Reigniting the Debate on Vaccinations

The argument lingers on between doctors and people who believe vaccines pushed by Big Pharma and government bureaucrats are harming children.

France's Far-Right Struggles to Maintain a United Front After Paris Attacks

Divisions have erupted inside Marine Le Pen's National Front party over a video comparing Islam to Nazi Germany and referring to a "fifth column" of extremists inside France.

VICE News Capsule - Friday, January 23

Violence and looting in the South African city of Soweto, Chile reopens investigation into the death of a Nobel laureate, El Salvador grants amnesty to woman accused of having an abortion, and ongoing fighting in Libya is causing power cuts.

The Environmental Protection Agency Funded Diesel Experiments on Children

A fuel industry-linked group has slammed the EPA for its tight regulations on diesel exhaust while simultaneously funding studies exposing children to small amounts of it.

Video Shows New Jersey Police Fatally Shooting Man with His Hands Raised

The black suspect who died was known to one of the officers who had helped arrest him last summer on drugs and obstruction charges.

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