
Thank you for signing up for Slack. We're really happy to have you! Click the link below to get your team set up:

Set up your team now

Slack is always free for an unlimited period of time and unlimited number of people.

Slack is made for teams – people who are in frequent, daily communication with one another. For it to work for you, your teammates need to join you and use it.

Need to introduce your team to Slack? Send them to the Slack product tour!

And lastly, tell us your feedback – good and bad, we want it all :) Reply to this email or write to feedback@slack.com.

Good luck with Slack!
-- Team Slack

p.s. Follow us on Twitter @slackhq for useful tips and our #changelog.

p.p.s. Already use something like HipChat, Campfire, Flowdock or another group messaging system? Slack has a function to import your history once you get set up.