The Sunday Dispatches
Oh! Hello there,

Upon receiving notice that you signed up, I was immediately pleased!

Then, using the world's smartest robots and private investigators, I've ascertained your first name and its correct spelling (even though you didn’t fill it in). 

I was so pleased, that I went straight to the local tattoo parlour and got the first available artist to tattoo your name on my inner left arm, in a thin but beautiful typeface. Thankfully it was Big Bad Jim, since One-eyed Pete isn’t as good at tattooing fonts. I had been agonizing over what tattoo to get next and then it hit me: your name!

It’s bandaged up now, otherwise I’d send you a photo of it. I’ll wear it with pride and every time I raise my hands over my head, in front of the mirror (happens more than you’d expect), I’ll think of you and of today—the day you joined my mailing list.

You’ll be hearing from me every Sunday, and now that we’re bonded in ink, I cannot wait to appear in your inbox. Anytime you read one of my emails and find it interesting, of value, horribly offensive or anything else—just hit reply. I’d love to hear from my ink’s namesake.

I look forward to talking more (and to my tattoo healing). Feel free to reply to this email and introduce yourself. This newsletter is a two-way street.

Here’s some free bonus material for you:
  1. The Sunday Dispatches – catch up on the most popular articles I’ve written for this list.
  2. Generating Weekly Content – a report on exactly what I do to create content each week that’s read and shared by 30,000+ nice folks.
  3. Anatomy of a Self-Published Book – a report about how I’ve marketed my previous best-sellers and what my expenses were for my latest book.
And if you’re digging what I’m doing, you can read every book I’ve ever written in a 50%-off bundle right here.

Paul Jarvis

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Box 37058 Millstream PO, Victoria, BC, V9B 0E8