From Paul Boag at Headscape
Boagworld Newsletter

Thanks for signing up!

Thanks for signing up for this newsletter. I hope you find it useful. If you have any suggestions about the kind of thing you would like me to cover just drop me an email. I would love to hear from you.

It might be a few days before the first issue arrives in your inbox, so here is some stuff to check out in the meantime.

Give the podcast a try

As well as writing articles every week I also host a web design podcast. The show looks at digital best practice, but we keep things fun. Like two mates chatting about the web in the pub.

If you go to the gym or have a long commute then you should definitely check this out. It will make the time fly by.

Some books and talks for you

If you haven't spotted it already there is a books and talks section on my website. This contains easy access to the books I have written, but also many of the talks I have given over the years at conferences.

If you work as part of an in-house digital team, then you maybe interested in my Fight the system presentation

You will learn:
  • How to become respected so that your voice will be heard.
  • How to overcome problem people and politics.
  • How to get approval for the work you know needs to be done.
  • How to prevent scope creep.
If you run your own web design business then my presentation 'Educating Clients to Say Yes' is for you.

This presentation will teach you:
  • How to establish yourself as the expert in the eyes of your clients.
  • The power of being positive in shaping the client relationship.
  • Ways to prevent others within the clients organisation derailing the design process.
  • Tricks for getting constructive user feedback.
  • Tools for managing the client relationship.
  • Methods for dealing with difficult clients.

Do you need some support?

Before I wrap up I just wanted to mention a little service I offer. I do a lot of consultancy for large organisations like the BBC, European Commission and Nestle. But not every organisation needs a full consultancy service. Sometimes you just need somebody to chat with. To bounce ideas around.

That is why I run a digital mentorship program. It can be isolating being a digital lead, freelancer or founder of an agency. The mentorship program gives you somebody you can talk to. Discuss ideas with and get feedback from. Not struggle alone, get some support.

That about wraps it up. Keep an eye on your inbox. You will be hearing from me soon.

This newsletter is written by Paul Boag. Paul is a digital strategist and author of Digital Adaptation. He helps organisations adapt to the new digital world through consultancytrainingspeaking and writing.
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