Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn in Lake Placid, N.Y.
Poetry Contest Winners
A few weeks ago, I announced a contest for poems about race and invited readers to send in poetry they had written. The poems poured in as people bared their souls and frustrations, so today I'm handing over my column to readers and their poems. Here it is - enjoy! | Also, remember that I hold an annual win-a-trip contest to take a university student with me on a reporting trip to the developing world. The student will blog and prepare videos, and I'm thinking that we'll probably go to India and Nepal, or alternatively to Congo. The deadline for applying is coming up Jan. 7, and we have fewer entries than normal - so if you know of any student at a university in the U.S., please nudge them to apply! And soon! | After this, I think I'm going to take my next couple of columns off to be with family (we already went snowshoeing and cross country skiing over the holidays at Lake Placid, hence that photo of Sheryl and me above), so there may be a week's gap in these emails. But see you in the new year, and may 2015 be a great year for you and yours! | Read the column » |