Sent: Saturday, January 16, 2010 5:55 AM
Subject: Help Haiti relief efforts.

Support survivors. Visit our Haiti Earthquake Relief shop.
CafePress Women Men Kids & Baby Home Flair Make Custom T-shirts
Special-Edition T-shirt designed by Studio Number One (founded by artist Shepard Fairey).  100% of the money goes to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF
Help raise money for the children of Haiti.  Proceeds from sales benefiting the U.S Fund for UNICEF
Help raise money for the children of Haiti.  Proceeds from sales benefiting the U.S Fund for UNICEF H20 for Haiti Haiti 2010
Raise Up Hope H20 for Haiti Haiti 2010
Raise Up Hope H20 for Haiti United States Fund
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* Proceeds means the total retail price paid by the consumer minus the cost to manufacture the product. All profits from the sale of products through the Haiti Relief Effort shop will be donated to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF.

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